We are very thrilled to see Lauren’s family again. It’s been a few years since we documented Lauren’s sister Kelly’s wedding. Thanks so much guys for letting us document another special moment in your family!
Lauren and Jason will be tying the knot at the beautiful Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Landsdale then a reception at Radnor Valley Country Club. Check out these images we shot during their engagement session last fall at Gibrathar Mansion Gardens in Wilmington. Congrats guys and I am looking forward to a fun day with you guys…rain or shine we are going to have a blast!
Thanks for stopping by to see their engagement photos. Please make sure to come back in a week to check out some Sneak Peeks from their wedding.
LIBERTY HOUSE RESTAURANT WEDDING: CONGRATULATIONS TO ANNA + SHARDA! To celebrate our first same-sex wedding, I would like to congratulate the newly weds from Sunday – Anna and Sharda, by posting some images from the same day edit that we showed during the reception. The LIVE slideshow by the way was a BIG HIT! Thanks […]
I am so excited to document the wedding of Jen and Jeff at Tendenza in Philadelphia on Friday.