I had a lot of fun photographing the beautiful family of NBC 10′s anchor Denise Nakano and their new Baby Kyle few weeks ago. It was just like yesterday when I photographed their first child Shane while he was just few weeks old. Now he is a proud big brother to baby Kyle. Here are two of my favorites from the shoot.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO JESSICA AND JAN LORENZ! This wedding was super exciting to me as a photographer, not only because I was able to include some super cool subjects in my photoshoots – giraffes, a cheetah, a huge phyton, etc. But it’s because the bride and groom are closer to my heart – they […]
VP JOE BIDEN IMAGES There’s not too many ways to be creative when shooting inside a small room during a press conference coverage. Today was a challenging one at the University of Delaware, during Vice President Joe Biden’s speech on energy. Here are my ways of being creative…