So energized today for wedding #2 for the memorial day weekend. Congrats to Tracey and Daniel for trying the knot at The Doubletree Hotel in Philadelphia. Check out their engagement pictures we shot in Washington DC where the couple now resides.
TOWNSEND ROOM WEDDING: CONGRATS TO CAITLIN AND CHRIS …who will be tying the knot on Saturday at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Philadelphia, PA and partying at The Townsend Room Philadelphia. I am so thankful to this couple for making me part of their special day. Here are some images from their engagement shoot at […]
Wilmington Wedding: Congratulations to Nadia and Andrew’s Hotel Dupont Wedding It’s going to be a BIG and FUN Italian wedding today when Nadia and Andrew tie the knot. I met the couple last year during the wedding of Andrew’s sister Jenn. Immediately after the wedding the good news of engagement between the two happens and […]