We are proud to announce the official launching of our mobile site! This new technology will make it possible for iPhone, iTouch, or other smart phone users to access our site anytime, anywhere. The mobile site will also provide an easy link to all our contact information, including our TWITTER and FACEBOOK pages.
And to celebrate this launching, we will be posting some raffles for your chance to win prizes by just visiting our site through your mobile phone every 1st day of the month. See the site for details.
To access the site – Just open the browser on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or your smart phone and type in – www.ronsoliman.com
Congrats to Maria and Shawn!
Can’t wait to be part of Maria and Shawn’s special day on Saturday at the gorgeous Venetian in New Jersey. I am so pumped up, though this will be my 2nd wedding of the weekend. I know for sure that this is going to be a fun wedding cause I know how much fun Maria and Shawn are. Check out these pictures we shot in Central Park last fall…
RAINY WEDDING | CONGRATS KELLY + NATHAN If you were at the wedding, you will know what it means… =) Congratulations to Kelly and Nate (07/11/2009)! From the wedding ceremony to the reception, everything went well perfectly. And the best part is, the rain held up until late evening! Our prayers are answered.