Our three day wedding weekend starts today with Katie and Kyle’s wedding at Drexelbrook. What a fun couple to photograph!
SANTORINI WEDDING DESTINATION | GREECE After the shoot in Athens, Greece, we travelled to the islands of Santorini. SANTORINI is a small, circular ARCHIPELAGO of VOLCANICISLANDS located in the southern AEGEAN SEA, about 200 km (120 mi) southeast from GREECE‘s mainland. The whole area was amazing, and the views from our hotel room (VIP SUITES) and in every angle you look is breathtaking! The only […]
PEN RYN MANSION WEDDING: CONGRATS TO RACHEL AND JOHN! …who will be tying the knot today at PEN RYN MANSION. I am so excited to be part of their special day….and unlike that day when we shot their engagement photos in Philly, they are very blessed today with a gorgeous weather. Sign of a good and […]